DeWitt Goodman Seminars

About DeWitt S. Goodman

DeWitt Goodman

DeWitt S. Goodman, a renowned scientist and public health advocate. A native of the Bronx, Dr. Goodman’s career at Columbia spanned more than 30 years during which he authored over 300 publications. He was a leading expert in vitamin A and cholesterol metabolism, the chairman of the first National Cholesterol Education Program and was largely responsible for developing the first national guidelines for the treatment of high blood cholesterol concentrations to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Goodman first came to Columbia University as a medical house officer in 1955. After a postdoctoral fellowship in London, he returned to assume his first faculty position in 1962 and in just seven years became the youngest full professor in the Department. At the time of his premature death at 61 years of age he served as Chief of the Division of Metabolism and Nutrition, Director of the Institute of Human Nutrition, and President of the New York Heart Association. He was the principal investigator of the Columbia Specialized Center of Arteriosclerosis Research, which was the largest single NIH funded grant within the Department. His laboratories on the 9th floor of the Black Building studied human and rodent cholesterol metabolism, and vitamin A biology. This work included groundbreaking kinetic analyses of cholesterol pools, and the seminal discoveries of retinol binding protein, its association with transthyretin, and the description of tranthyretin mutations causing amyloid diseases in humans.

Dr. Goodman left behind a legacy of intellectual brilliance and exceptional organizational skills, two wonderful children who are both physicians, and his wife Ann, whose support made his work and success possible. Looking back, the cholesterol-treatment guidelines were the basis of the field now known as Preventive Cardiology and contributed significantly to the decline in coronary artery disease and premature death.

Current and Past Seminar Series Schedule 

The current seminar series runs from September 13, 2024 – June 12, 2025, every Wednesday at 1:30 pm.

2024 - 2025 Academic Year

  • October 9, 2024
    • Speaker: Ikjae Lee, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Eleanor and Lou Gehrig ALS Center, Columbia University
    • Title: “Weight loss and macronutrient intake affect disease onset and progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis”
  • November 6, 2024
    • Speaker: L. Ashley Cowart, PhD, Professor, School of Medicine Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • November 13, 2024
    • Speaker: Tomas Vaisar, PhD, FAHA, Research Professor, Director, Proteomics and Bioinformatics Core, Diabetes Research Center, Department of Medicine, UW Medicine Diabetes Institute
  • November 20, 2024
    • Speaker: Anthony G. Comuzzie, PhD, FTOS, Chief Executive Officer, The Obesity Society
  • December 11, 2024
    • Speaker: Arif Yurdagul Jr., PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Louisiana State University Health Shreveport
  • December 18, 2024
    • ​​​​​​​Speaker: Tim Allerton, PhD, Assistant Professor, Director, Vascular Metabolism Laboratory, Pennington Biomedical Research Center

2023 - 2024 Academic Year

  • August 30, 2023
    • Speaker: Xiao-Wei Chen, PhD, Assistant Professor, Peking University 
    • Title: "Receptor-Mediated Lipid Transport in Metabolic Homeostasis and Viral Defense" 
  • September 13, 2023
    • Speaker: Xiaoyong Yang, PhD, Professor, Department of Comparative Medicine, Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology
    • Title: “Metastat: The Great Reset of Metabolism” 
  • September 20, 2023
    • Speaker: Anne Goergen, PhD, Abteilung Endokrinologie/Diabetologie, Forschungsgruppe Prof. Daniel Konrad, Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich – Eleonorenstiftung
    • Title"A potential role of liver-expressed ASK1 in body weight regulation”
  • September 27, 2023
    • Speaker: Scott M. Gordon, PhD, FAHA, Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky, Saha Cardiovascular Research Center
    • Title"Lipoproteins: The Swiss Army Knives of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health"
  • October 11, 2023
    • Speaker: Liming Pei, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Center for Mitochondrial and Epigenomic Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 
    • Title: "Mechanistic understanding of heart disease associated metabolic complications"
  • October 18, 2023
    • Speaker: Jackie Bader, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology Education, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    • Title: "Obesity drives macrophage PD-1 to restrain metabolism and anti-tumor immunity"
  • November 1, 2023
    • Speaker: Irfan J. Lodhi, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipid Research
    • Title: "Metabolic Crosstalk Regulating Energy Homeostasis"
  • November 15, 2o23 
    • Speaker: Samuel Klein, MD; William H. Danforth Professor of Medicine & Nutritional Science; Chief, Division of Geriatrics and Nutritional Science; Diabetes Research Center; Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis
    • Title: "Metabolic Heterogeneity of Obesity and Response to Weight Loss"
  • December 6, 2023
    • Speaker: Ze Zheng, PhD, Assistant Professor, Health Research Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Associate Investigator, Versiti Blood Research Institute, Endocrinology & Molecular Medicine
    • Title: "From the livers to blood and back– The reciprocal regulation between lipids and blood clot lysis"
  • January 10, 2024
    • Speaker: Thales Papagiannakopoulos, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
    • Title: "Dissecting tumorigenesis in genetic subsets of lung cancer"
  • January 17, 2024
    • Speaker: Darleen Sandoval, PhD, Professor, Section of Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, CU-Anschutz Medical Campus, University of Colorado
    • Title: "Gut instincts: intestinal adaptations to bariatric surgery"
  • April 3, 2024
    • Speaker: Douglas Green, PhD, Immunology Department Chair, Cancer Biology Program Co-Leader, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 
    • Title: "Perchance to Dream: Sleep and Neuroinflammation"
  • April 17, 2024
    • Speaker: Peter McCaffery, PhD, Professor, University of Aberdeen in Scotland, The Institute of Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Medical Science and Nutrition, University of Aberdeen
    • Title: "A Vitamin for all Seasons; Retinoic acid in the Hypothalamus"
  • March 20, 2024
    • Speaker: Sudha Biddinger, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hopsital 
    • Title: "Understanding how insulin coordinates metabolism in the spatial context of the liver lobule"
  • May 1, 2024
    • Speaker: Alan Remaley, MD, PhD, Senior Principle Investigator, Lipoprotein Metabolism Laboratory, NIH/NHLBI
    • Title: "Low-density lipoproteins: Update from basic science advances to new therapeutics"
  • May 8, 2024
    • Speaker: Yonghao Yu, MD, Professor, Department of Molecular Pharmacology & Therapeutics, CUIMC
    • Title: "Downstream Signaling Networks of mTOR."
  • May 22, 2024
    • Speaker: Nicholas Arpaia, PhD, Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Hammer Health Science, Columbia University
    • Title: "Amphiregulin from regulatory T cells promotes liver fibrosis and insulin resistance in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis"

2022 - 2023 Academic Year

  • September 14, 2022
    • Speaker: Donna Conlon, PhD, Research Associate, University of Pennsylvania
    • Title“The role of Sortilin in VLDL secretion and hepatic lipid metabolism.”
  • September 28, 2022
    • Speaker: Li-Na Wei, PhD, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Professor of Department of Pharmacology, University of Minnesota Medical School
    • Title"CRABP1 as the mediator of non-canonical activities of retinoic acid."
  • October 12, 2022
    • Speaker: Rui Chang, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Department of Cellular & Molecular Physiology, Yale University School of Medicine
    • Title"A multidimensional coding architecture of the vagal interoceptive system."
  • November 2, 2022
    • Speaker: Jonathan R. Brestoff, MD, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Medical Director, Clinical Flow Cytometry Lab, Division of Laboratory and Genomic Medicine, Department of Pathology & Immunology, Washington University School of Medicine
    • Title“Cell-to-cell transfer of mitochondria in health and disease”
  • November 16, 2022
    • Speaker: Lorraine J. Gudas, Chairman, Department of Pharmacology; Revlon Pharmaceutical Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University
    • Title"Retinoic Acid Receptor Selective Agonists for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer and Diabetes"
  • December 7, 2022
    • Speaker: Jara Perez Jimenez, MD, Tenured Scientist, Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, Spanish Research Council (ICTAN-CSIC) Jose Antonio Novais
    • Title"Dietary (extractable and non-extractable) polyphenols as modulators of cardiometabolic alterations."
  • January 11, 2023
    • Speaker: Jamy D. Ard, MD, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist
    • Title"A Patient with Obesity Walks into Your Clinic—Individualizing obesity care."
  • February 8, 2023
    • Speaker: Marcus DaSilva Goncalves, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, Weill Cornell Medical College
    • Title"Fructose as a Survival Signal: Implications for Cancer and Obesity"
  • March 1, 2023
    • Speaker: Jorg Heeren, PhD, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Heisenbergprofessor für Immunometabolismus, Institut für Biochemie und Molekulare Zellbiologie, Martinistraße 52, 20246 Hamburg
    • Title"Regulation of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism by brown adipose tissue"
  • April 5, 2023
    • Speaker: Elena Aikawa, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Director, Heart Valve Translational Research Program, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
    • Title"Novel drug discovery approached in cardiovascular calcification."
  • May 3, 2023
    • Speaker: Suzanne Devkota, PhD, Associate Professor, Director, Cedars-Sinar Microbiome Research Institute Medicine
    • Title“The role of the microbiome in the gut-adipose axis”.
  • May 10, 2023
    • Speaker: Ellen Schur, MD, MS, Professor of Medicine, Director, UW Nutrition and Obesity Research Center, Clinical Research Director, UW Medicine Diabetes Institute, Seattle, WA
    • Title“Hypothalamic inflammation and gliosis in obesity and diabetes in humans”
  • May 24, 2023
    • Speaker: Sarah Stern, PhD, Research Group Leader, Laboratory for Integrative Neural Circuits and Behavior, Max Planck Florida Institute
    • Title"Insular Cortex Circuits Mediating Flexible Feeding Behaviors"
  • June 7, 2023
    • Speaker: Samar M. Hammad, PhD, Associate Professor, Medical University of South Carolina, Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology
    • Title"Sphingolipids the new metabolic predictors of cardiovascular/cardiometabolic disease independent from traditional markers"

2021 - 2022 Academic Year

  • September 29, 2021
    • Speaker: Maret G. Traber, PhD, Professor, College of Public Health & Human Sciences, Professor Linus Pauling Institute Core Laboratories; Oregon State University
    • Title“From Adult humans to embryonic zebrafish, why we need vitamin E…a story 100 years in the making!”
  • November 17, 2021
    • Speaker: Sasha Singh, PhD, Instructor of Medicine, Director of Proteomics Research; Brigham & Women’s Hospital
    • Title"Exploiting ever-evolving mass spectrometry and proteomics technologies to understand cardiovascular diseases: Basic research to translational medicine."
  • December 8, 2021
    • Speaker: Carlos J. Rodriguez, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA, Professor and Vice Chair for Academic Affairs, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine; Director of Clinical Cardiovascular Research; Albert Einstein College of Medicine
    • Title"Towards a Better Understanding of Cholesterol in Hispanics/Latinos."
  • January 19, 2022
    • Speaker: Dr. Loredana Quadro, PhD, Professor of Food Science, Rutgers Center for Lipid research, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health; Rutgers University 
    • Title"Regulation of cardiac metabolic flexibility by retinoids."
  • March 30, 2022
    • Speaker: Amy E. Rumora, Assistant Professor of Neurological Sciences, Department of Neurology Center for Motor Neuron Biology, Columbia University
    • Title"Saturated and Monounsaturated Fatty Acids Differentially Regulate Nerve Function in Murine Models of Prediabetes."

2020 - 2021 Academic Year

  • September 23, 2020
    • Speaker: Anthony Ferrante, MD, Professor of Medicine Chief Preventive Medicine and Nutrition, CUIMC
    • Title"Many Facets of Adipose Tissue Macrophages: Making Fat and Insulin"
  • September 30, 2020
    • Speaker: Sharon Wardlaw, MD, Professor of Obesity Research Department of Medicine & Endocrinology, CUIMC
    • Title"Melanocortin Regulation of Energy Balance and Pituitary Function: Human Translational Studies​"
  • October 21, 2020
    • Speaker: Sung-Yon Kim, PhD, Assistant Professor, Dept of Chemistry Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Seoul National University
    • Title"How Do We Stop Eating When We Are (Mechanically) Full?"
  • October 28, 2020
    • Speaker: David Bernlohr, PhD, Professor and Head Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Biophysics, University of Minnesota
    • Title"Lipid Signaling and Inflammation in Adipose Tissue"
  • November 11, 2020
    • Speaker: Patrick Seale, PhD, Assistant Professor of Cell & Development Biology Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
    • Title"Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells and Fat Tissue Development"
  • November 18, 2020
    • Speaker: Itsaso Garcia-Arcos, PhD, Research Assistant Professor, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
    • Title"LDL Receptor Related Protein 1 (LRP1) in Lung Lipid Metabolism: Alveolar Surfactant, Type II Pneumocytes, and Pulmonary Function"
  • December 2, 2020
    • Speaker: Herman Pontzer, PhD, Associate Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke University
    • Title"Diet, Exercise and Metabolic Health: Insights from Hunter-Gatherers"
  • January 13, 2021
    • Speaker: Utpal Pajvani, MD, PhD, Herbert Irving Associate Professor of Medicine Division of Endocrinology, CUIMC
    • Title"The Metabolic Consequences of Reactivated Developmental Signals in Obesity"
  • January 27, 2021
    • Speaker: John Nicholas Betley, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biology. Cell & Developmental Biology Genetics, Epigenetics Genomics Neurobiology, University of Pennsylvania
    • Title"Adaptive Control of Food Intake"
  • February 3, 2021
    • Speaker: Joseph Bass, MD, PhD, Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Molecular Medicine Professor, Northwestern University
    • Title: "NAD+ in the Circadian Regulation of Behavior and Metabolism"
  • February 10, 2021
    • Speaker: Nada Abumrad, MD, Professor of Obesity Research in Medicine & Cell Biology & Physiology, Washington University
    • Title: "Cellular and Paracellular Pathways for Tissue Fatty Acid Uptake; Ceramides, Caveolae, VE-Cadherin"
  • March 3, 2021
    • Speaker: Frank Reimann, Professor of Endocrine Signalling, University of Cambridge, Wellcome Trust/MRC Institute of Metabolic Science (IMS) & MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit, Addenbrooke's Hospital
    • Title: "Cellular Mechanisms Underlying Enteroendocrine Hormone Secretion"
  • March 31, 2021
    • Speaker: Yuki Oka, Ph.D, Professor of Biology, Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology
    • Title: “Functional and Transcriptional Dissection of Neural Circuits Underlying Sodium Consumption.”
  • April 7, 2021
    • Speaker: Michael Honigberg, MD, Instructor in Medicine, Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
    • Title: "Unique Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Women: Toward Precision Prevention."
  • April 21, 2021
    • Speaker: Sean Heffron, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Center of Preventive of Cardiology Disease, NYU
    • Title: "Excess Body Weight, Atherosclerosis and Inflammation Resolution.​"
  • May 12, 2021
    • Speaker: Isha Jain, PhD, Department of Physiology, Cardiovascular Research, University of California, San Francisco
    • Title: "Turning the Oxygen and Vitamin Dials as a Therapy."​
  • May 19, 2021
    • Speaker: Allison W. Xu, PhD, Professor, Diabetes Center and the Department of Anatomy, Joseph and Vera Long Foundation Endowed Professor in Diabetes and Obesity Research, University of California, San Francisco
    • Title"CNS Control of Metabolic Efficiency."
  • June 2, 2021
    • Speaker: Melinda A. Beck, PhD, Professor, Department of Nutrition, Associate Chair, Schools of Public Health & Medicine, University of NC at Chapel Hill
    • Title"The Influence of Obesity on the Response to Influenza Infection and Vaccination."
  • June 16, 2021
    • Speaker: Rossana Calderon, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Preventive Medicine & Nutrition, CUIMC
    • Title“Role of Retinoids in Enteroendocrine Cell Signaling.”

2019 - 2020 Academic Year

  • September 25, 2019
    • Speaker: Henry N. Ginsberg, MD, Irving Professor of Medicine, Past Director, CUIMC
    • Title"Nuclear Membrane Proteins Regulate VLDL Secretion and Hepatic Lipid Metabolism."
  • October 2, 2019
    • Speaker: Chloe Berland, PhD, Research Post-doc Candidate Physiology, Neurosciences, Paris, France
    • Title"Dietary Fat Impact Feeding Behavior and Food Reward Through the Dopamine D2 Receptor."
  • October 16, 2019
    • Speaker: Zaman Mirzadeh, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery, Barrow Neurological Institute
    • Title"Developmental Plasticity in the Mediobasal Hypothalamus."
  • October 23, 2019
    • Speaker: John I. Glendinning, Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Biology, Barnard College, Columbia University
    • Title"Cephalic Control of Insulin Release in Mice."
  • November 6, 2019
    • Speaker: Anthony Sclafani, PhD, Emeritus Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, Brooklyn College of City University of New York
    • Title"Sugar and Fat Appetite: Role of Mouth and Gut Nutrient Sensors."
  • November 20, 2019
    • Speaker: Sarah Tishkoff, PhD, David and Lyn Silfen University Professor, Departments of Genetics and Biology, University of Pennsylvania
    • Title“African Genomics: Implication for Studies of Human Evolution and Disease.”
  • December 4, 2019
    • Speaker: Russell DeBose-Boyd, PhD, Beatrice and Miguel Elias Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Science, Professor of Molecular Genetics, UT Southwestern Medical Center
    • Title"Posttranslational Regulation of HMG CoA Reductase, the Rate-Limiting Enzyme of Cholesterol Synthesis and Molecular Target of Statins​."
  • December 11, 2019
    • Speaker: Sarah Stanley, MBBCH, PhD, Assistant Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Institute
    • Title“Neural Regulation of Glucose Metabolism.”
  • January 8, 2020
    • Speaker: Steven Grinspoon, MD, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Chief, Metabolism Unit, MGH, Director, Nutrition Obesity Research Center at Harvard, Massachusetts General Hospital
    • Title"A Novel Hormonal Strategy to Treat NAFLD: Mechanistic and Therapeutic Implications."
  • January 29, 2020
    • Speaker: Phyllis C. Zee, MD, PhD, Chief of Sleep Medicine in the Department of Neurology, Northwestern University Chicago
    • Title“Enhancing Circadian Function for Brain and Metabolic Health.”​
  • February 12, 2020
    • Speaker: Carlos Campos, Department of Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University
    • Title"Viscerosensory Contributions to Feeding and Affective Behaviors."
  • February 19, 2020
    • Speaker: Triantafyllos Chavakis, Professor, Clinical Chemistry & Clinical Pathbiochemistry, Director, Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, University Clinic Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany
    • Title"Immunometabolic Circuits in Inflammation."
  • February 26, 2020
    • Speaker: Anthony Ferrante, MD, Professor of Medicine, Chief of Preventive Medicine and Nutrition, New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center Resources
  • March 4, 2020
    • Speaker: Rotonya Carr, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Division of Gastroenterology
    • Title"Lipid Droplets and Ceramides in Alcoholic Liver Disease."
  • March 11, 2020
    • Speaker: Utpal Pajvani, MD, PhD, Herbert Irving Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology
    • Title"The Metabolic and Neoplastic Consequences of Reactivated Notch Signaling in the Obese Liver."

2018 - 2019 Academic Year

  • September 12, 2018
    • Speaker: Lev Becker, PhDAssistant Professor, Ben May Department for Cancer Research, The University of Chicago
    • Title"Macrophage pathways link obesity to accelerated atherogenesis and breast cancer"
  • October 3, 2018
    • Speaker: Alexander R. Nectow, MS, PhD, CV Starr Fellow, Associate Research Scholar, Head, Nectow Lab, Princeton University/CUIMC
    • Title"The Neurobiology of Energy Balance"
  • October 24, 2018
    • Speaker: David Allison, PhD, Dean, Indiana University School of Public Health, Bloomington
    • Title“Obesity, Energetics, and Longevity: Social, Experimental, Evolutionary, and Epidemiologic Perspectives”
  • October 31, 2018
    • Speaker: Chuchun Liz Chang, PhD, Institute of Human Nutrition, College of Physicians and Surgeons, CUIMC
    • Title“New Roles of Lipoprotein Lipase and Bioactive Lipids in Immune Cell Biology”
  • November 7, 2018
    • Speaker: Diana Thomas, Professor of Mathematics, United States Military Academy, West Point
    • Title“Predicting Military Injuries from 3D Body Morphology"
  • November 14, 2018
    • Speaker: Michael P. Czech, MD, Isadore and Fannie Foxman Professor, Chair, Program in Molecular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School
    • Title"Adipocyte to Neuron Crosstalk to Regulate Systemic Metabolism”
  • November 28, 2018
    • Speaker: Jeffrey Flier, MD, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
    • Title“Starvation in the Midst of Plenty: Reflections on the History and Biology of Insulin and Leptin”
  • December 5, 2018
    • Speaker: Sekar Kathiresan, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital
    • Title“Genetic Basis for Myocardial Infarction: Understanding Risk and Resistance”
  • December 12, 2018
    • Speaker: Ebru Erbay, MD, Assistant Professor - Bilkent University, Research Associate – Harvard School of Public Health
    • Title"Organelle Stress at the Intersection of Immunometabolism"
  • December 19, 2018
    • Speaker: Alison Kohan, PhDAssistant Professor, Human Nutrition and Metabolism, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Connecticut
    • Title"The Role of apoC-III in Intestinal Immunity and IBD"
  • January 9, 2019
    • Speaker: Ira Goldberg, MD, Director, NYU Division of endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, NYU
    • Title"Fat in the Blood, Fat in the Heart"
  • January 16, 2019
    • Speaker: Filip Swirski, PhD, Associate Professor Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital Research Institute
    • Title“Sleep and Cardiovascular Disease"
  • January, 23, 2019
    • Speaker: Stefan Jordan, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Department of Oncological Sciences, Laboratory of Professor Miriam Merad
    • Title“Nutrition, Microbiome, Immunity: Food Energy Regulates Inflammation”
  • February 6, 2019
    • Speaker: Jorge Plutzky, MD, Director, The Vascular Disease Prevention Program, Director, Preventive Cardiology, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School, Cardiovascular Medicine
    • Title"Programmatic Control of Transcription: Applying New Insights to Cardio-Metabolic Disorders"
  • February 20, 2019
    • Speaker: Daniel A Heller, PhD, Head, Cancer Nanomedicine Laboratory, Associate Member, Molecular Pharmacology Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Associate Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine
    • Title“Nanotechnologies for the Research, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Metabolic Disease"
  • March 6, 2019
    • Speaker: Streamson C. Chua, Jr. MD, Professor of Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
    • Title"A Gut-Brain Axis that Controls Glycemia and Insulin Sensitivity"
  • March 13, 2019
    • Speaker: Graham Barr, MD, Professor of Department of Medicine & Epidemiology, Chief, Division of General Medicine, CUIMC
    • Title“Artificial Intelligence or Artificial Stupidity: What can machine learning do for us?”
  • March 20, 2019
    • Speaker: Juan J. Lafaille, PhD, Professor of Pathology and Medicine, Skirball Institute – Alexandria West 4th floor, New York University School of Medicine
    • Title"Regulatory T Cells and Macrophages in the Adipose Tissue"
  • April 10, 2019
    • Speaker: Paul Cohen, MD, PhD, Albert Resnick, M.D. Assistant Professor, Head, Laboratory of Molecular Metabolism, The Rockefeller University
    • Title"Local and Systemic Adipose Tissue Crosstalk in Health and Disease"
  • April 24, 2019
    • Speaker: Anthony Ferrante, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Chief of Preventive Medicine & Nutrition, CUIMC
    • Title"The Defense of Body Weight: Two Systems One Number"
  • May 8, 2019
    • Speaker: Kimberly Buhman, MD, Purdue UniversityProfessor, Department of Nutrition Science, College of Health and Human Science, West Lafayette, IN
    • Title"Dietary Fat Absorption in Health and Disease"
  • May 22, 2019
    • Speaker: Peter A. Crawford, MD, PhD, Professor, Departments of Medicine & Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Biophysics, Vice Chair for Research, Dept of Medicine, Director, Division of Molecular Medicine, University of Minnesota
    • Title"Multi-dimensional Roles of Ketone Bodies in  Fuel Metabolism, Signaling, and Therapeutics"
  • May 29, 2019
    • Speaker: J. Mark Brown, PhD, Associate Staff – Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Director of Research – Center for Microbiome & Human Health, Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute
    • Title“Drugging the Gut Microbial Endocrine Organ for Improvement of Cardiometabolic Disease”
  • June 5, 2019
    • Speaker: Ivan E de Araujo, DPhil, Professor, Friedman Brain Institute, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 
    • Title"The Gut-Brain Axis and Reward"